May 7, 2012

I am quite the fan of Pinterest as you know.   I spend more time Pinterest-ing than actually creating my own awesomeness.

So not a good thing.
So need to remedy that STAT.   

But I 




Oh Lordy, somebody help me. 

And then today I discovered another website that is going to completely suck away the last remaining hours of my life that are not totally consumed by Pinterest. 

I know I'm a bit late in the game on this one, but it's too fabulous not to talk about...have you heard of Tastespotting
Well it's a site similar to Pinterest in that it has that online pinboard feel and you can "like" posts and such...however while Pinterest has a ton of different posting categories, this site is completely dedicated to gorgeous photos of food and the recipes that go with them.

I love it.
So much! 

I have no idea how to cook however.  And I am completely lost in the kitchen...I can't follow a recipe to save my life...but I am totally inspired now.  I am starting to think that my lack of kitcheny-know-how is something I'd like to change.  (Especially since I have a handsome gentleman in my life who I'd love to make dinner for at some point :P ). 

Anyways, needless to say, I have squandered away quite a few moments of my day today browsing the collections on Tastespotting.  They are truly fabulous. 

Now, you may ask, am I cooking anything fabulous tonight?
Not a chance.
I still have to put a few hours of work into my Pinterest-ing!  There's no time for cooking!  ha ha ha ;)

Homepage of Tastespotting


Carrie said...

We should get together and cook:-) I'm no pro, but I do spend a lot of time in my own kitchen. It would be fun to cook together!

Barbara said...

Hi Sara. Just popping on over from the J*S forums. (This is grantandlaurens mom BTW) OK, really ... you had to tell me of another site that can take my time away?! LOL! I'm definitely going to go check out tastespotting. My DD is crazy about baking. I'm sure she and I will be spending some time visiting there. TFS!

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