Jul 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!

photo: independence day beads by me

Snapped that the other day and thought it was a fun shot.

I love the red, white, and blue color combo...not just because it's my home colors, though admittedly that probably has a bit to do with it.  I mean, I've grown up pledging allegiance to those colors every single day of my life...and I do mean every day.  Being a teacher, leading the flag salute is part of my job description.  Ha!  Anyways,  back to the colors...red, white, and blue...a bold, bright color combo...clean and crisp...even kinda fun you could say...but despite how much I love it, I just can't wear those colors any other day but July 4th.  
Not any of the other 364 days of the year.
Only July 4th or I feel silly...
like I'm having my own 4th of July celebration on a completely unrelated day. 
And I really like these colors...like hello, denim looks so cute with red and white!
Oh darn you Independence Day...totally cramping wardrobe options.


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